26-28 Oct 2015 Poitiers (France)

Workshop (thematic and registration)

Referencial Continuity and (Semi)Automatic Location

Currently, several research programs aim at creating computational tools to treat referential data in texts (e.gANALEC). For the time being, they concern the semi-automated location of anaphoric, referential or valence chains but they allow toconsider a more systematic treatment of collected data.

The round table we are proposing is organised with the following aims in view:

-To invite researchers who are currently working on / with these programs to explain how they work and to talk about their functionality, performances and limits, in a 15-minute presentation.

- To start a debate on the question of automated or semi-automated location by confronting our linguistics knowledgeon referential continuity with the potential of computer programs and thus to consider the possibility tocreatea tool that would allow the automatic location of expressions that form partof anaphoric and valence-related referential chains.

-To develop partnerships in order to work on this latter aspect.

Prospective speakers forthis round table are invited tocontact estele.dupuy@univ-poitiers.fr (object: table ronde CDM 2015).

If you want to attendor  participate in this round table, please proceed to online registration and payment (Cf. Inscription) http://paiementenligne.univ-poitiers.fr/Forell-CHOIX2015

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